This is where we're supposed to tell you a little bit about ourselves. HEYDAY is a collection of fine folks who cold brew the best tasting, grab and go anytime coffee. Cold brewing the best, most delicious coffee is more than a passion. It's why we get up every morning. Because if we can make your day better, then you've made ours.

But the story of HEYDAY isn't just about us. It's about you too. We believe that every day is your heyday. The best days are not behind you. They're right here, right now just waiting to be carpe diemed.

So celebrate the good times. The big, the small. The once in a lifetime and the never again in a million years. That's what led us to quit our day jobs and create a beverage company we could feel good about.

HEYDAY is your companion for good times and is all about inspiring people to make healthier drinking decisions. So grab a can and experience everything this day has to offer. Make it yours, whatever that may be. Like a good time, HEYDAY is best enjoyed anytime.

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