ABV - Alcohol by volume
4.5 %
We are excited to present our zestily unique craft-brew, Anchor's Meyer Lemon Lager™. Many of us at Anchor have Meyer lemon trees in our backyards and, for over thirty years, this unusual fruit has played an important role in California's slow-food movement. Our goal with Anchor's Meyer Lemon Lager™ was to create a brew that would highlight the delectable character of this singular fruit: brightness without sharpness, fullness of flavor without heaviness, floral aroma without floweriness, complexity without cacophony. When life hands you Meyer lemons, make Meyer Lemon Lager! Once poured, the appearance is a bright, clear, golden color with tight white bubbles. The aroma of fresh lemon zest hits you, followed by hints of lager yeast, citrus hops and lemon verbena. The taste is tartness of citrus balanced by malty sweetness. It finishes with a clean, pithy bitterness, like a Meyer lemon peel.

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