From Website:
Maharaja is derived from the sanskrit words mahat, - \great\" and rajan - \"king\". Much like its namesakeintense and mighty. With hops and malts as his servantshe rules both with a heavy hand. The Maharaja flaunts his authority over a deranged amount of hops: tangyvibrant and pungent along with an insane amount of malted barley - fashioning a dark amber hue and exquisite malt essence.
This newest Avery Dictator completes the \"Dictator Series\" joining the likes of The Kaiser & The Czar. Be aware that The Maharaja is a limited release only available for the summer. Welcome to his kingdom!
* 22 oz. bottles
* 5.17 gallon keg
* 15.5 gallon keg
* Available March through August
* 10.5% (2008)
* 9.78% (2007)"