A Good Land cherry and chocolate cake. Malty and complex with classic Belgian fruity esters and spi...
Big and delicious, QUAD is an elegant dark ale. Rich with complexity and flavor, try savoring it wi...
Kapittel Prior 9 is a dark brown high-fermentation ale with secondary fermentation in the bottle. I...
Kapittel Winter is a romantic ale for the Christmas period, which is brewed and bottled every year ...
The name 'Barista' conjures thoughts of the fragrance of steaming coffee below a layer of expertly ...
Kasteel Donker is a member of the Belgian quadrupel family. These are strong, sweet to bitter, dark...
The taste of Cuvee du Chateau is comparable to that of an aged Kasteel Donker, reminiscent of port....
Pretty dark color, as you would expect from a stout. Slightly more red-brown, though, when compare...
The Grivoise de Noël is a sweet, fruity brown beer with notes of candy and berries. The palate is c...
A warm velvety soft character beer with a strong taste and long lasting bitter aftertaste - Deliriu...
Jopen Doubting Thomas (aka Ongelovige Thomas) is our interpretation of a quadrupel. A distinct beer...
Every year on the 24th of February, we celebrate the birth of Charles Quint. Therefore we brew a sp...
This strong Belgian ale is so rich, so sweet and so luscious, that we wouldn't hesitate calling it ...
No commercial description....
What is it? Black Cloud from Furthermore Beer of Black River Falls. Style: Black Cloud falls into ...