Session India Pale Ales are gold to copper.
Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures and hop haze is allowable at any temperature. Fruity-ester aroma is light to moderate. Hop aroma is medium to high with qualities from a wide variety of hops from all over the world. Low to medium maltiness is present. Hop flavor is strong, characterized by flavors from a wide variety of hops. Hop bitterness is medium to high. Fruity-ester flavors are low to moderate. Diacetyl is absent or at very low levels. Body is low to medium. Beers which exceed 5.0% abv would not be characterized as Session India Pale Ale. Beers containing less than 4.0% abw (5.0% abv) which could be appropriately characterized in another classic or traditional category would not be appropriately characterized as Session India Pale Ale.