ABV - Alcohol by volume
5.5 %
IBU - International Bitterness Unit
Hi-Lo-Peno Pale Ale is like the tacos of beer. Let us clarify, it doesn't actually taste like tacos. Well, it is made with both lime and jalapeños, but it's not like there's meat in it or anything. That would be gross. And probably against some sort of health code. We digress. Hi-Lo-Peno Pale Ale is like tacos in the sense that you're in the mood for it pretty much any time, no matter how you feel or what you're pairing it with. The spicy aroma of this light-bodied beer draws you in, but then your palate is like, "hold up, there's no heat here, just the fresh flavors of jalapeño and lime!" And your palate is correct, despite what your nose has to say. From Thai to traditional American fare like burgers & BBQ to, well, tacos and other Mexican dishes, this unique brew plays well with others. It's nice like that. <br/><br/> Brewed with fresh jalapeno peppers and limes.

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