ABV - Alcohol by volume
0 %
Our original Rogue Ale, Youngers Special Bitter (affectionately nicknamed YSB) is a classic English Special Bitter named after Bill Younger of the infamous Horse Brass Pub in Portland, Oregon. The Malt Advocate described Youngers Special Bitter as \rich and flavorful. A triad of caramel maltinessand hop bitterness in aroma and flavor. A fuller malt foundation than some other pale aleswith some background spiciness. Dryhoppy finish.\" In the SouthWest Brewing NewsFeb/March 1994 issueGeorge Fix wrote \"A strong case could be made for Rogue Ale being included among the top 5 ales brewed in the US.\" YSB is amber in color with a mild hoppy finish. Brewed with a blend of 2-row Harrington and Crystal maltsWillamette and East Kent Golding hops. YSB is available in the classic 22-ounce seriograph bottle (the 12-ounce 6-pack was phased out in early 2005)and on draft."

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