ABV - Alcohol by volume
0 %
Why is this beer different from all other beers? As commanded, we at HE'BREW Beer have been fruitful and multiplied our offerings. Tradition teaches that the Messiah's name is Shalom - Peace. With your first sip of this rich, dark, and delicious libation, we hope to offer a momentary taste of microbrewed bliss. If you feel the sudden urge to beat your swords into ploughshares (Isaiah 2:4) or to picnic with the lion and the lamb (Is. 11:6)... Rejoice! Now, our award-winning brewers can't claim supernatural powers - simply a fanatical commitment to brewing world-class beers: A truly scrumptious mitzvah (good deed)! May your cups runneth over with the blessings of great beer and great shtick. To Life... L'Chaim!

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