A bock beer is required by German law to start at 17°Plato. For those who are interested, °Plato is a measurement of the sugar content before fermentation. It is a very malty lager beer with medium hop bitterness. A maibock is a light to amber colored bock beer. A Maibock is very similar to a Helles/pale bock. Maibocks were originally brewed for the coming of spring, hence the name Mai (German for May). The Mad Brewer Maibock is medium amber in color. Though similar in color to our Pipe Organ Pale Ale, it is very different in character. Don’t let it get you though, it’s a very strong beer at about 7% alcohol. It has a very clean and malty nose. The hop bitterness is evident, but not dominant. The Mad Brewer Maibock will finish quite full and have a delicate sweetness.