The beer is from the heart of the state, Detroit. In the oldest neighborhood in the city limits. After all, what a better place to fill bottles than a place called Corktown? At Brew Detroit on Abbott Street, a dedicated group of Detroiters brew for its neighbors and brew to bring manufacturing back to The Motor City.

Although Brew Detroit crafts carefully with these suds, don't call Badass a craft beer. Because it most definitely isn't a snifter pour. There's no flowery finish. It mocks oaky undertones. Instead Badass, is well, badass. It's approachable. It's priced right. It introduces itself as a light beer and follows it up with a full punch. This is the beer perfect for backyard barbecues, cases on the pontoon or a keg on the porch. Let's put it this way: this beer was brought up to go down easy.

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