IN THE BEGINNING it was a dream. A latent dream dwelling inside Agostino, who couldn’t brew but desired the Beer. This dream was made of ahead-of-their-times pubs lost at the heart of unsuspected little towns in the Como province, pushing in the 80s rare beers for the times, Bulldog, Courage Bitter, Martins Pale Ale, George Killian’s feeding the feasts of clans of youngsters.
The first beer Ago brews only comes during the University days, with home-malted organic barley, bread yeast and a big jug. The result is scary. A second batch follows, then a third one, and yet one more; until Ago’s father manages to put him in contact with Gianni Pasa, one of the pioneers on the scene of Italian beer, licensed Bräumeister. His teachings become gold for Agostino and Mario, his friend and original brewing partner. The first ‘real’, drinkable beers are born! [...]