Craft beer production: The end… in our hands!
Education and Training Workshops

We fill the bottles and cap them. The easiest recommended way is to slowly drop the beer out of the container and plug it.
Then keep the bottles according to the foreseen temperatures.
Disassembled, cleaned and dried the barrel you have to deal with the pressure! Good practice in this sense is to use half of the priming that would be used for bottling.
Fill the keg and adjust the pressure (10/12 PSI) by leaving it stationary for a couple of days. You can also adjust the pressure at a later time to be able to decrease it by releasing the CO2!
Refrigerated storage and transport
The beer must be transported with refrigerated trucks which will keep at around 3 ° C.
Note that the shelf life of craft beer is much shorter than pasteurized beer despite having the same storage characteristics.
Glass and Taste
An average of 4 weeks pass for the production of craft beer and now that you can find it practically anywhere you just have to define a palate!
Use one of our tools to find the beer closest to you or with the characteristics most suitable for you!
Craft beer is not just a beer, it is an artisanal process and behind that product there are people and ingredients that are selected with a spirit of uniqueness and quality, which is why it is a very different and characteristic taste experience.
I think and hypothesize that every brewer of a microbrewery is able to appreciate with due respect the work of other "colleagues" in a different perspective from that of "competition" but of synergy.
I love collaborative beers, I am tempted by experimental beers and I always try to try new beers and one day I will succeed! ;) [Return of text] [Return of text] From you, dear beer lover, I expect you to appreciate my attempt to bring you all together in the presence of a community such as is.
Your reviews find a direct space with the brewery and all related beer-businesses! Because even back here there are some passionate people.
There is so much material that allows small and medium breweries as well as their potential customers to run an economy based on proximity, location ... the authenticity of artisan products! is in its infancy, this is true .. But we are sure we are doing well! Get carried away and create your space in this community:
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