ABV - Alcohol by volume
6.8 %
IBU - International Bitterness Unit
FUBAR: F'd Up Beyond Recognition. Occasionally something that starts as FUBAR turns out to be surprisingly pleasant. That's what happened when we accidentally dropped our Caribbean Wild Ale into an oak barrel that still had grape skins in it from aging our MalBrett. You end up with FUBAR. A brettanomyces fermented ale with pineapple and mango aged on Malbec grape skins. This will have oak, barnyard, and a red wine nose that will be slightly sour and acidic on the tongue. Some swallows will be Malbec & oak, while others will be tropical fruit, and yet others will be green apple and chardonnay. No matter what sip you are enjoying... welcome to the bastard child of beer and wine!!

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