Beer is a lifestyle. It's ancient. Like music, it's a passion that comes from thousands of years of ingrained thirst. How can it be better? How can I create something profound that will inspire others? (You're starting to see where the passion becomes the art.) The Four String Brewery is hand-built by Dan. No trust-fund, no safety net. It's rock or perish. It's about taking that chance and delivering the dream one glass at a time. Every sip, every growler that walks out the door had damn well better crush it.
These are the Four Strings: Water, Malt, Hops, Yeast. These are the simple notes to be played in complex order to create a masterpiece that keeps them coming back for more. This is the simple plan to make complex art to please the refined rock palette. Brewing for commodity won't get you there. You have to make it art every day.