The first horse races were held in Rome under the government of the Papal States in 1870 outside Porta S. Giovanni. But already in 1844 Lord George Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, had to dispute on land adjacent to the current area of the racecourse - a place dedicated to hunting fox - two days of racing. Meanwhile they formed the Jockey Club and the Italian Society of Steeple Chases. In 1881 they were regularized racing and standardized the Italian programs to those in Europe. In the same year was opened the first Hippodrome Capannelle. The area was so named for the presence of some typical Roman Agro huts. unusual source for a place which saw the most famous names of the aristocracy, and that was the scene for the greatest victories of the glorious and legendary champions, until they become, today, the first racecourse in Italy. In 1926, the Society of Corse in Rome inaugurated the new Capannelle Racecourse, true technical jewel and architecture for those years, in front of the ruins of of Acquedotto Claudio Villa of Lucrezia Romana, with the Colli Albani and Abruzzo mountains as background .

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