The latest venture from the team behind Purvis Cellars, Purvis Beer has been opened as the beer-only sister store to its original wine and beer venue in Surrey Hills. Taking advantage of Purvis' existing contacts throughout the beer world, it's stocked with hundreds of beers from home and abroad. Directly opposite the road from Richmond Town Hall - and proudly displaying the statement: "WE LOVE BEER" out front - it's a veritable alleyway of beer: a long, narrow store lined from front to back with all manner of beer except, of course, any mainstream brands from the major brewers. You'll find everything from classic Aussie pales and homegrown limited releases to the weirdest and most wonderful from overseas: imperial stouts from Scandinavia, red rice beer from Japan, crazily hopped beers from the States and plenty in between. Purvis Beer holds weekly tastings on Fridays plus other tasting events regularly throughout the year. There are often special offers plus staff on hand to impart their broad, beery knowledge. Easily a place you can get lost in a while and a standout among the growing band of high quality beer outlets in Victoria.

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