American Style India Pale Ale

American Style India Pale Ales are gold to copper. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures and hop haze is allowable at any temperature. Fruity-ester aroma may be low to high. Hop aroma is high, exhibiting various floral, fruity, sulfur/onion-garlic-catty, citrus-like, piney, resinous characters that are typical of though not exclusively from American-variety hops. Medium maltiness is present. Hop flavor is high, and is reflective of American-variety hop aroma characters. Hop bitterness is medium-high to very high. Fruity-ester flavors are moderate to very high. Diacetyl should be absent or very low. Body is medium. The use of water with high mineral content may result in a crisp, dry beer rather than a malt-accented version. English and citrus-like American hops are considered enough of a distinction justifying separate American Style IPA and English-Style IPA categories or subcategories. Hops of other origins may be used for bitterness or approximating traditional American or English character. See English-style India Pale Ale.
IBU (International Bitterness Unit)
Abv (Alcohol By Volume)
SRM (Standard Reference Method)