The passion for beer was born long ago ...
The pleasure of drinking ales, Belgian, German, American, Czech, Spanish, Turkish, Japanese ... the taste of the new always be investigated and collecting pewterware memories, tastes ... and also the "gaps" !!
From the simple taste, then, he was born the curiosity to experiment with the production as homebrewer ... the pleasure of creating the recipes, share the 'taste with friends, tell their own creation, did the rest ...
Thus it was born the 'idea of putting a small upward Beerfirm, or a "virtual brewery" that produces its own recipes in a real brewery.
The desire behind this project is not simply "doing craft beer", but rather try to share it, to experience it in all its many nuances and characteristics, make appreciate the differences and communicate ... and above all, spread the knowledge!
As then born the "Beer of the South"?
Simple! The recipes are prepared in a small home workshop, a true homebrewer, tested, refined, improved, and then produced for marketing at the craft brewery.
In this case, South Beer wanted to engage in craft beers American style beers ... complex, intense aroma and taste that enhances the bitter notes ... the desire is to create balanced beers that combine the sweetness of malt with bitter notes of American hops in a combination of aromas and flavors that fill the palate ...
The goal is the continuous experimentation so 'as the search for new ingredients for the beer, the food to match, new meetings and new friends to share a good Pugliese craft beer.