It is said that every beer has a story and every story has a beer. Well, in my way of beers there are several. Some of these have meant that my story became that of a brewery: Birranova!
A I found myself in the UK only 16 years old to study English but, even more of the language, I learned to appreciate many different kinds of beers!
Were the fabulous' 90s and, while in Italy ruled the roost "Ocean's Eleven" and lager beer "industrial", taken from my new passion, tasted the most different and unusual beers to try homebrewing (get the home-brew) . The success of my recipes with friends and acquaintances, led me to pursue this path, and attend a training course in Germany.
In 2007, I now call myself a master brewer in full rule, so decided to give life to my dream of opening a brewery and be able to drink at will the excellent free beer!
The brewmaster
Donato Di Palma