German Style Pilseners are straw to pale.
There should be no chill haze. The head should be dense, rich, perfectly white, and very stable and show a good cling. A malty residual sweet aroma can be perceived. Very low levels of DMS aroma, usually below most beer drinkers� taste thresholds and not detectable except to the trained or sensitive palate, may be present. Other fermentation- or hop-derived sulfur aromas when perceived at low levels may be characteristic of this style. Fruity-ester aromas and diacetyl aroma should not be perceived. Hop aroma is moderate and quite obvious, deriving from late hopping (not dry hopping) noble-type hops. A malty residual sweet flavor can be perceived. Hop flavor is moderate and quite obvious, deriving from late hopping (not dry hopping) noble-type hops. Hop bitterness is medium to high. Similarly very low levels of DMS flavor, usually not detectable to all but well trained palates, may be present. Low levels of other fermentation- or hop-derived sulfur flavors, may be characteristic of this style. Fruity-ester flavors and diacetyl should not be perceived. These are well attenuated beers. Body is medium-light.