Historical Beers are any range of color.
Malt sweetness will vary dramatically depending on overall balance desired. Hop bitterness is very low to very high. Above all beers in this category are reflective of an established historical beer and/or brewing heritage from any period of time or part of the world, that are not already a beer style already established in these guidelines. This beer commemorates combinations of unique brewing ingredients and/or techniques established in past periods. Examples of Historical Beers might include current day versions of historic styles which are not represented elsewhere in these guidelines, such as Finnish-style Sahti, South American Chicha, Nepalese Chong/Chang, and African sorghum based beers, and others. In evaluating these beers, judges will weigh several factors such as uniqueness, heritage, regional distinction, technical brewing skills, and balance of character, background story and information and overall spirit of the intent of this category. �Historical beers� that are not represented elsewhere as a definitive style in these guidelines could possibly be entered in such categories as Experimental, Herb and Spice, Field Beer, etc. but by choice a brewer may categorize (and enter) their beer as Historical beer. Brewers must provide a short statement (100 words or less) illustrating the historical context without revealing the company�s identity. This information helps establish a basis for comparison between highly diverse entries. This statement should be carefully crafted and will be evaluated by judges and carry significant weight in their decisions. Statements that contain information which might identify or otherwise create bias towards the entry will be modified by the Competition Manager.