South German Style Weizenbocks are gold to very dark.
If served with yeast appearance may appropriately be very cloudy. Balanced clove-like phenolic and fruity-ester banana elements produce a well-rounded aroma. If dark, a mild roast malt character should emerge to a lesser degree in the aroma. No diacetyl aroma should be perceived. Hop aroma is not perceived. Medium malty sweetness is present. If dark, a mild roast malt flavor should emerge. Hop flavor is not perceived. Hop bitterness is low. Balanced clove-like phenolic and fruity-ester banana-like elements produce a well-rounded flavor. Carbonation is high. No diacetyl should be perceived. Body is medium to full. These beers are typically roused during pouring and because yeast is present, the beer will have yeast flavor and a characteristically fuller mouthfeel. During competition, entries will be roused unless instructed otherwise by the entering brewer.