Bruery Terreux® is a boutique craft brewery located in Orange County, CA specializing in farmhouse-style wild and sour ales. Bruery Terreux is rustic, traditional, familial, yet innovative and independent in spirit.
Founded on an exciting revitalization of age-old traditions blended with current culture and newly forging practices, Bruery Terreux tells the story of wildly traditional bière .
Bruery Terreux, which loosely translates from French to "Earthy Bruery" was developed by Patrick Rue of The Bruery® as a space to focus on and experiment with wild beers. While The Bruery had been creating such beers since their foundation in 2008, this new opportunity provides a dedicated space, equipment, and most importantly, staff to concentrate upon and go further within the process than ever before.
Bruery Terreux is founded on the excitement that Patrick and our team felt while creating wild ales under The Bruery's moniker and we continue to strive for that same passion in every aspect of our business today. We never stop challenging ourselves to develop distinctive & imaginative beers, constantly pursuing improvement in all that we do. We plan to brew dozens of original beers each year with our list of ingredients and inspirations growing perpetually. We are inspired by the old world and many of our techniques remain similar to those farmhouse brewers of Belgium or France, but our innovations for quality and creativity never cease.