
Grodziskies are straw to golden colored. Chill haze is allowable at cold temperatures. Aroma is dominated by oak smoke notes. Fruity-ester aroma can be low. Diacetyl and DMS aromas should not be perceived. Hop aroma is not perceived to very low European noble hop aroma notes. Distinctive character comes from 100% oak wood smoked wheat malt. Overall balance is a sessionably medium to medium-high assertively oak-smoky malt emphasized beer. Hop flavor is very low to low European noble hop flavor notes. Hop bitterness is medium-low to medium clean hop bitterness. Ale fermentation temperatures are managed to lend a crisp overall flavor impression. Low fruity-ester flavor may be present. Sourness, diacetyl, and DMS should not be perceived on the palate. Body is low to medium low. Grodziskie (also known as Gratzer) is a Polish ale style. Historic versions were most often bottle conditioned to relatively high carbonation levels.
IBU (International Bitterness Unit)
Abv (Alcohol By Volume)
SRM (Standard Reference Method)