Jungle Beer makes fusion beers - international styles with tropical flavours.
Adi and John met while studying business
management at the University of Hawai'i"
Lazing around in a pool one afternoon, during our reunion in Bali, we began thinking about making great beer in Singapore. To us it was absurd (and still is) that in Singapore, Asia and the rest of the tropics, the food has the most sophisticated flavours and each region has developed a cuisine so special that it became an intrinsic part of the culture and yet all that is usually expected from the beer is "refreshing, crisp and cool". That is what water is for - beer can be so much more!
We set out to create beers that embody the spirit of the tropics - rich, vibrant, full of character. Beers that don't just quench your thirst, but make you pause and relish. Beers that don't just wash down the food but complement it and enrich the experience.
This is our story - and this is Jungle Beer!