Pumpkin Spice Beer

Pumpkin Spice Beers are any range of color from pale to very dark depending on the underlying style. Clear or hazy beer is acceptable in appearance. Pumpkin or squash aromas ranging from subtle to intense may or may not be evident. These beers are any beers using pumpkins (Cucurbito pepo) or winter squash as an adjunct in either the mash, kettle, primary or secondary fermentation, providing obvious (ranging from subtle to intense), yet harmonious, qualities. They are spiced with other ingredients whose character should be evident and in balance. Hop aromas should not overpower pumpkin, squash, spice or overall balance of aromas. While cinnamon, allspice, clove and nutmeg are common spices added to American type pumpkin beers, brewers may add other spices that for example could replicate a Wit-Pumpkin spiced beer (orange peel and coriander). Hop aroma is none to medium. Malt sweetness often varies from low to medium high levels. Hop flavor is none to medium, and not overpowering pumpkin or squash characters. Hop bitterness is low to medium-low. Body is variable with style. A statement by the brewer explaining the nature of the beer is essential for accurate assessment in competitions. If this beer is a classic style with pumpkin, the brewer should also specify the classic style.
IBU (International Bitterness Unit)
Abv (Alcohol By Volume)
SRM (Standard Reference Method)